Well, you can always play vs. you.
Many people should know this, but not all of them.
So here I show the easiest way to play in a You vs. You game.
There still isn't the way to create LAN servers in Carnage Contest, so you need an Internet connection to do this. If you don't have Internet on, I doubt you can have fun playing with just one team.
So, here we go...

1.: Open Carnage Contest.
2.: Host a server.
3.: Create teams like image below.

© Blazzingxx
Just click on the empty team fields below yours and it will create a new one.
4.: READY and let the game start.
5.: You will play each turn of them.

If you want, you can add more "yous" (players) to the game (even if it fills the damn server :P).

Have a good you-versus-you gaming!

Thanks for the support of the Unreal Software users and a really big thank you to DC for creating this beautiful game (and all the others are really awesome!), also for his support and for his "black humour" and his jokes that make us laugh everyday we visit this forum. End.
edited 2×, last 02.10.10 01:01:32 am