
Changelog has written
Some Lua weapon script bugs
Parts of imported map images were sometimes cut off
Weapon amount has been decreased when round ended while charging
Bug in automatic linebreak for lobby
Turn sometimes ended while players were standing in fire
Now using DirectX9 drivers on Windows systems
Primary weapon is now green in weapon set editor
No crates if there is no weapon with limited amount
You can fade-in the turn/round bar by hovering over its position
Players per team do not change when changing the team
Weapon menu is now always accessible in-game
Increased supply fall speed
Now stopping menu music when game is suspended
Fire now also disappears after causing some damage
Game automatically selects best players per team amount for new players
Game remembers the last players per team count
Frame skipping - game now runs better on slow systems
You can now hold [P] to see all player positions
You can now hold [M] for a minimap
In-game chat automatic linebreak
Console output when collecting items
Option to auto-join a server as soon as the running game ended
Match duration is displayed on end
Export of maps from the editor as png-images (save -> type: png)
Conversion of map type and style in the editor
Lobby terrain style and terrain form buttons for quick changes
Fall damage server setting
Tree leaves for green landscapes
Map borders for cave maps
Rocks on most random map landscapes
Crazy air particles
Lua hudtimer command + changeable timers for all grenades
Super Shotgun
Plasma Blaster
Kick Jump
Super Jet-Pack
Flopper the Dolphin

Download @ www.CarnageContest.com/download