
Website Updates
38 replies

Titles are awarded for special achievements in order to honor and reward users. (so please do not ask whether you can get your own title!)

edited 1×, last 09.09.06 07:01:59 pm

PMs in your in-box will now have a blue arrow

note: old messages which you replied to before this change will NOT have a blue arrow.

tempbans had a default duration of just 3 hours. I increased that value to 24 hours now. moderators are still able to choose shorter or longer durations of course.

all mails you receive from UnrealSoftware.de are now sent as plain text AND html version with fancy header/footer

whenever you point at a user name here at the website which links to the profile of this user you will see a little tool tip which displays the most relevant information about that user.
the displayed data and the possibilities with this tool tip will be extended soon! moreover I'm planning to add others tool tips as well.

there are now also tooltips for threads and uploads.

there is now a settings page on the left side below the navigation. just click at the wrench button (

edited 1×, last 21.04.12 10:56:10 pm

The first screen of a file is now displayed in the tooltip

The footer size has been increased to solve problems with tooltips which go out of the visible area of the webiste.

The spoiler- and more-tags now have an animation for opening and closing (with jQuery)

I optimized the style sheet (background-... shortened via shorthand property) and I put the short code from autocomplete.js into script.js so just script.js is required now.

Fixed prev/next link bug with IE9, added loading animation and other animations (fade in).
edited 2×, last 20.05.12 07:02:08 am

There's now a zoom link in the gallery which opens an image in a new window/tab with zoom function!
edited 1×, last 04.06.12 05:57:20 pm

I'm proudly introducing the new user mode "Idiot". Everyone who continues to violate rules will get this mode after while. As idiot you have to enter an annoying CAPTCHA code for nearly every action at this website (like posting something). This makes using the website much more annoying.

quote, code, more and spoiler have been added as buttons to the tag pad!

All command tags (s2:, cs2d:, cs2dlua:, cs2dhook:, cc:) now open a tooltip where you can select a command. Maybe I'll also add an auto complete tooltip later which appears when you start to enter a command.

If you type something behind command tags (s2:, cs2d:, cs2dlua:, cs2dhook:, cc:) the website will automatically filter the list of commands so only commands starting with the same string will be displayed in the tooltip.

The Rules, the tag page and the version information page (at Games) will now be opened in an IFrame via JS in most cases, without leaving the current page.

New tags for changelogs:

You can now put =inline in opening code tags to disable smilyes/tags in parts of your posts without showing the green code box.

The code tag now has line numbers by default. They can be disabled with =nolines in the opening code tag.
code with line numbers
code without line numbers
edited 4×, last 25.06.12 10:54:39 pm

The footer now makes a bit more sense because I added links to most of the pages there (including some links to pages which were not linked before)

The U.S.G.N. masterserver has been upgraded. The profile now shows the last time you were playing a game online. Moreover I prepared everything to increase the friends limit. (The limit will be increased after the next update of CS2D and CC)

... can now be disabled on the settings page!
edited 2×, last 28.06.12 10:11:52 pm

The settings page now offers the new setting dynamic header. It is disabled by default. This function will fade in a header with the page title as soon as the standard header is not visible anymore because you scrolled it away.

Unreal Software Spam Cooldown™ has now been launched. You now have to invest at least 10 seconds to post a comment/answer or 45 to post a thread. The website will not accept your data before this time is expired.