
Anything to do with cs2d and cs2d 2
6 replies

you can't make a thread with out any question or announcment thats called spam
We don't need a thread with anything to cs2d we allready get a forum .
Moderator: Please delete this thread.
ljUSTiNl has written
This is the most pointless thread on here! The reason there is a CS2D Forum on this site is so people can post useful information or questions or "anything to do with cs2d" in a seperate thread. There is no point in having a thread within the forum that has the same purpose as the forum itself. If someone wants to post something about cs2d, then they can create a specific thread themselves.
Moderator: Please delete this thread.
Moderator: Please delete this thread.
I completly agree with you
Guest has written
I was bored
so no metter if you are bored go to thread wich you can answer and post there or what is this stuped thread?
To be bored is no excuse for making senseless and stupid threads! So stop that!