maestro4202 has written
I'm looking for where I can ask modding questions. I didn't see any stickies about asking actual questions.
Ask in the related thread or try to contact a mod's developer.
For general questions try the scripting-thread or open a new modding-thread....
maestro4202 has written
There's a few things I'm stuck on. Mainly I'm trying to find where I can change grass parameters ie density, fade distance, scale all that, etc.
Actually this can only be done by changing the source code of SII (I'm working on an update, see my signature)
maestro4202 has written
I'm also scratching my head about the gras01_a.png. Editing it doesn't seem to change it in the game while other .pngs do change.
It should...! Try some simple graphics like a filled red image or something like that... Maybe its more obviously. But be warned not use too big textures for the gras... 
maestro4202 has written
Also is it possible to modify things like tree growth rates? Maybe tell trees not to start green colored? Stuff like that.
Not sure about that. That should also be done per changes on source code, I think...
maestro4202 has written
Is a bunch of stuff locked up in the .exe and not modifiable?
Yes! That's the source code of SII... (compiled with BlitzBasic3D)
Source can be found here
BB3D can be found on web... (actually you have to pay for that...) edited 1×, last 28.11.11 02:13:27 pm