life: 100
Armor: 100
--copied from resources... function hud2(hudid,pid,text,x,y) --global and easier function to create huds if x== nil and y==nil then parse ("hudtxt2 "..pid.." "..hudid.." \""..text.."\" 5 300") --default if x and y are NULL else parse ("hudtxt2 "..pid.." "..hudid.." \""..text.."\" "..x.." "..y) end end --continue addhook ("ms100","DuKrebskopf"); function DuKrebskopf() for id=1,32 do -- loop every player if (player(id,"exists")) then --check if exists hud2(0,id,("Health:"..player(id,"health")),100,100) --display health hud2(1,id,("Armor:"..player(id,"armor")),100,115) --display armor end end end