No, it is Stranded 2 Lol 4 U!

-~oOo~- Introduction -~oOo~- 

This is Stranded II - Lol 4 You (actually also known as Stranded II - Titanium
). It all started long time ago with fixing some tiny bugs and modifying some (simple) stuff in the source code of SII to make some little improvements. Meanwhile I modified large parts of the game and revised the terrain generation, the environment settings (moving sun, moon, clouds...), the physics (trajectories and behaviour of projectiles, gravity, buoyancy in water...), the AI of units (ranged attackers, units react to each other...), the whole player movement (running, crouching, sneaking...) and also updated and added a whole bunch of graphic stuff and other stuff I just forgot.
Unfortunately SII - Titanium is still in a unfinished and restricted state, meaning that there still are many bugs to expect (I regret...) and for some reasons I didn't updated the whole load/save-progress of savegames, yet (I regret, too...), so loading/saving savegames is not possible, but you will still be able to create and play some small scenarios.
I will edit this post from time to time, to add/update a command reference and some other details.

Unfortunately SII - Titanium is still in a unfinished and restricted state, meaning that there still are many bugs to expect (I regret...) and for some reasons I didn't updated the whole load/save-progress of savegames, yet (I regret, too...), so loading/saving savegames is not possible, but you will still be able to create and play some small scenarios.
I will edit this post from time to time, to add/update a command reference and some other details.
-~oOo~- Preview -~oOo~- 

So, let's stop that blah, blah, blah and start with some...
Let's go on with some...
screenshots (click to enlarge) 

yes, the familiar looking turtle is that one of Psionic...

(this set of tools is from opengameart.org, but I didn't integrated it yet)

yes, the familiar looking turtle is that one of Psionic...

(this set of tools is from opengameart.org, but I didn't integrated it yet)

Let's go on with some...

Some older ones:
Some older ones:
-~oOo~- Notes, Shortcuts -~oOo~- 

Nice preview...? I hope so! But also remember that there are still some limits in SII Titanium:
Saving and loading savegames will most likely cause errors at the moment.
Performance may be slightly decreased due the many new graphic stuff.
The adventure isn't playable (and I also didn't test 'tower defence', yet...).
As already said, there are surely some bugs to expect.
What you also should know is, that there's a bunch of new keys:
hold L-SHIFT to run
L-CTRL to crouch/lay down, SPACE to stand up (or jump, when standing, as usual)
R to reload (or deload, if you sometimes want to)
TAB open/close message window
F2 turn interface on/off
N (scriptkey in game.inf) to turn on/off nightscope (ID 159)
T (scriptkey in game.inf) triggers a target-event at aimed object
J (scriptkey in game.inf) shout, which makes units around you attentive...
pressing the mouse wheel triggers an attack3-event at weapon in hand
In the main menu and in the editor are some new shortcuts, too. In the main menu it's obvious, and in editor:
L-Shift to move faster
L-Ctrl snap objects to grid (as so for the house parts - but switch off "Random Rotation" first!)
L-Alt force picking terrain coordinates instead of an entity*
number keys 1..9,0 to switch between some submenus
*Normally an object appears selected, when moving with the mouse over it. In that case clicking with the left mouse button will open the property menu of that object instead of placing the selected object onto the map. This can be avoided by pressing 'l-alt'.
Last but not least I'd like to recommend to try
single player map: shoot the duck (yes, I locked the debug menu
I also left some other maps in the map folder for some test and demonstration purposes. Some of them were already seen in the videos. But I didn't tested the maps 'color game' or 'tower defence' very much. Actually they should work, but maybe they need some tiny fixes. I just never meant to maintain these maps (and the adventure, too), but I still let them included.
All models/textures in SII - Titanium are mostly a mix of downloaded, modified, generated* and self-made ones, and I also included some objects of other mods (e.g. Extension Mod, Cast Away Mod...).
*see tree[d] (tree generator), which I used for some trees

What you also should know is, that there's a bunch of new keys:

In the main menu and in the editor are some new shortcuts, too. In the main menu it's obvious, and in editor:

*Normally an object appears selected, when moving with the mouse over it. In that case clicking with the left mouse button will open the property menu of that object instead of placing the selected object onto the map. This can be avoided by pressing 'l-alt'.
Last but not least I'd like to recommend to try

*see tree[d] (tree generator), which I used for some trees
-~oOo~- Download -~oOo~- 
[10.09.2012] Stranded II - Titanium v1.0.1.3
[11.09.2012] Patch 1 (copy into SII-Titanium folder and extract)

-~oOo~- Definitions -~oOo~- 

I will update this section of new definions from time to time. Keep watching it, or just ask in the thread here, if it's urgent.
-~oOo~- Command Reference -~oOo~- 

I will update this section of new commands from time to time. Keep watching it, or just ask in the thread here, if it's urgent.
-~oOo~- F.A.(S.)Q. (frequently asked stupid questions) -~oOo~- 

Q: Is this Stranded 3?
A: No.
Q: Is this Stranded 4?
A: No!
Q: Is this Stranded 5?
A: NO!!!
Q: What is it then?!
A: An updated version of Stranded 2.
Q: But what's the point of the poll then?
A: The poll is not about what SII - Titanium is, but how it looks like.
Q: Are you married with DC?
A: What the... No! (guys, are you asking stupid questions...
Q: Are you going to change the title within the next days?
A: Probably.
A: No.
Q: Is this Stranded 4?
A: No!
Q: Is this Stranded 5?
A: NO!!!

Q: What is it then?!
A: An updated version of Stranded 2.

Q: But what's the point of the poll then?
A: The poll is not about what SII - Titanium is, but how it looks like.

Q: Are you married with DC?
A: What the... No! (guys, are you asking stupid questions...

Q: Are you going to change the title within the next days?
A: Probably.

edited 8×, last 18.09.12 11:33:11 pm