Ok I am working on this MoD currently, I do not yet have an acceptable playable version, there's alot of "Flavor" work to do.
Basically the idea behind this mod is simple, after proving your ability to survive and thrive on the island you run out of things to do, until now...
I am making it so after the basic survival things is done you will be able to acctually build a village, pay natives to move in, train them in differant areas, and even advance them in their fields, like a kind of advancment tree.
You will have to build a home for each individual native you train, so building the village will take time and dedication. FYI hence the name "Rise of A King".
Interactive NPC'sSpoiler 
I also thought it would be cool if the Natives spoke. But having the same convo over and over again gets old fast. So I am scripting the natives to change what dialogs they use daily at random, and the dialogs will be a bit more in depth than a simple "hi", so writing them will take me a while since each dialog will be unique.
I am going to try and have the outcome of some dialogs cause certain effects (i.e. if you insult a merchant he may charge you more, or refuse to trade.)
I also figured when it comes to certain merchants (all of them) there are bad days, fisherman didnt get a good haul, woodsmen didnt fall as many trees.
As a result the merchants availible goods and prices will also randomly change daily between 5 types of markets, Horribal, Bad, Normal, Good, Great.
This allows you the opportunity to make a little bit of coin which is a highly needed material for growing your village.
Also I took an idea from someones in the forums that involved going to other islands.
So I studied the script used in Massive Mod for the Mine building, and went to work. You will be able to at some point travel to other islands while still having your Main island.
Basically after you build a nice little town you will be able to "expand your sphere of influence" by building villages on other islands.
I will be including a little instruction set on how to add your own maps so people can expand on this idea as they wish
I will also be including my templates (it really helps trust me) and instructions for how to add your own sets of dialog to the NPC's for added randomization.
This started as a little personal Mod, but the idea just grew so large it became a project that I consider worth showing others, and sharing.
That being said I do need help, badly. I need dialog because I can only write so much myself, and I need new models.
Most all the natives look the same, and this is annoying because a fisherman does not dress like a blacksmith, and a woodsmen does not dress like a miner.
But I SUCK at graphics, so any help here would be highly appriciated. Also the market has me held back. I am having issues establishing a baseline market value for items.
I will be attempting to upload ASAP. but forwarning that the download I will provide will NOT be a finished product, merely a working one, and probably badly at that.
Basically I CAN'T release it until I at least set up a Baseline Market and finish that system.
Dialog can wait and be updated as needed, same with the models.
-Update Jan. 6th-Spoiler 
-Screens coming tommarow.
-Still working on Market prices, theres like 30 differant market scripts.
-Still working on Dialogue, nearly 60 scripts.
-Issue with scripting of some later game items/objects.
-Initial release still around middle of week.
-Initial release will only consist of a few of the scripts, the needed ones. Everything else is mostly for "Flavour".
Mad thanks to Stranded_Guy2910 for scripting help in the random markets and convos.
-Update Jan. 11th-
-Everything is gonna be held back due to personal medical issues. I will get back to work after I get this stuff settled. edited 3×, last 12.01.13 12:44:34 am