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U.S.G.N. connectivity problems after using map editor
Random/flickering tile brightness for some wall tiles on big maps with light engine enabled
CS2D command flood protection (with bind/alias) did not work properly
Asynchronous smoke grenade, gas grenade, molotow and air strike positions on client/server
Barricade rendering order issues (its ground tile overlapped ground particles/decals)
Editor also displayed entity areas when pressing space in a text input box
Lua endround hook was not triggered when using sv_restart with a delay
Trigger_Use re-use delay did not work for clients at all (only for server player)
Turrets do not hurt their owner anymore when friendly fire is disabled (in deathmatch mode)
mp_lagcompensation default setting reduced from 5 to 2 (only compensate pings up to 200)
CS2D now shows an error message instead of simply quitting when silencer skins are oversized
Construction buildings are now green/yellow in deathmatch mode (own yellow, rest green)
Spawn and build effects are now green/yellow in deathmatch mode (instead of red/blue)
You can use all teleporter buildings in deathmatch mode (instead of own "team" only)
All dispensers heal you in deathmatch mode (instead of own "team" only)
All gate fields (except for your own) now hurt you in deathmatch mode
You can only repair/upgrade your own buildings in deathmatch mode
Key " renamed to doublequote for bindings to (maybe) resolve parsing issues in binds
Additional debug output for Lua script execution order after server start / map change
Additional punishment modes for mp_antispeeder (kick without ban, kill, slap)
Lua hook suicide (when player tries to commit suicide with kill-command)
Experimental: Allow to change color of tiles in map editor (only for tiles without blending)
Map de_vantage by Alistaire (winner of the CS2Dworld Map Contest 2014)