Is everyone on the servers still use old memes?
Is everyone on the servers still use old memes?
4 replies I recently had old account of Unreal Software but i abandoned it and i wasn't really active on the forums. I even recently played CS2D since 2011 before i quit next year. Now in 2016 i'm back and i don't need to go back to old account and check my boring friends. Why i'm saying this because i remember the old days of memes and how everyone is still using those memes in 2011 and 2012. It was the best moment before 2014 ruined it all. I lost my skills and i don't even know my own tactic. So i deserve getting more deaths from professional players that i just found are using these old internet slang (Noob for example ) and these old memes i remember (like "I like turtles"). So is everyone on this game community still use those old memes that died? I wanted to write a whole essay about the importance of memes in cs2d, old ones, new ones and the kids who uses them. Also i wanted to add something about the internet slang and dank memes from competitive side of cs2d.
But i saw Yates comment. And I understood that that kind of answers are the most relevant.