e.g !adadadadadad(now server should tell(Error:unknown command)
cause this command doesn't not exist on the server. thanks
if cmd == "foo" then 	... else if cmd == "bar" then 	... else if cmd == "..." then 	... 	... 	... else 	msg("unknown command: " .. cmd) end
addhook("say","say2") function say2(id,txt) if txt:sub(1,1) == "!" then local cmd = txt:sub(2) if cmd == "help" then 			msg2(id,"Server commands") 		msg2(id,"©100255100!help - all commands") 		msg2(id,"©100255100!antidote - move to survivor for 500leaves") 		msg2(id,"©100255100!shop - shop for vips") 		msg2(id,"©100255100!reset - reset your account") 		msg2(id,"©100255100!info [player id] - check player stats") 	 return 1 	 end 	 end
else 	msg2(id, "unknown command: !" .. cmd)
msg2(id,"©100255100!info [player id] - check player stats")and add an
return 1
addhook("say","say2") function say2(id,txt) 	if txt:sub(1,1) == "!" then 		local cmd = txt:sub(2) 		if cmd == "help" then 			msg2(id,"Server commands") 			msg2(id,"©100255100!help - all commands") 			msg2(id,"©100255100!antidote - move to survivor for 500leaves") 			msg2(id,"©100255100!shop - shop for vips") 			msg2(id,"©100255100!reset - reset your account") 			msg2(id,"©100255100!info [player id] - check player stats") 		-- do your other commands first, such as the 4 commands shown in your help uh... prompt? 		elseif cmd == "antidote" then 		elseif cmd == "shop" then 		elseif cmd == "reset" then 		elseif cmd:sub(1,4) == "info" then 		-- the one you are looking for after all that 		else 			msg2(id,"unknown command: !"..cmd) 		end 		return 1 	end end