Where I make a mistake?
I guess i did somethings wrong
addhook("say","pha.says") function pha.says(id,txt) if c == "!anycode" then parse(...
addhook("say","pha.says") function pha.says(id,txt) if c == "!anycode" then parse(...
pha = {}
addhook("say","says") function says(id,txt) if c == "!anycode" then parse(...
.... elseif c == "!name" then parse("name ".... else msg2(id,"(error msg)) return 1 end ...
canywhere. It will have the value
nil(which means "undefined"/"no value" in Lua).
txtbecause you called the second function parameter in the hooked function like that.
elseif komutlar == "!slap" and svadmin(id) then if not args[2] then msg2(id,"\169255000000ERROR: You did not type the ID") return 1 end parse("slap "..args[2]) msg("\169255255255SERVER: dddkdk") return 1 	 else 		msg2(id,"\169250000000ERROR: That command isnt true "..args[1]) 		return 1 		end 		return 1 		else 		if svadmin(id) then msg("\169"..player(id,"name").." : "..txt) end return 1 end 	 end
elseif komutlar == "!slap" and svadmin(id) then 			if not args[2] then msg2(id,"\169255000000ERROR: You did not type the ID") return 1 end 			parse("slap "..args[2]) 			msg("\169255255255SERVER: dddkdk") 		else 			msg2(id,"\169250000000ERROR: That command isnt true "..args[1]) 		end 		return 1 	else 		if svadmin(id) then 			msg("\169255255255"..player(id,"name").." : "..txt) 			return 1 		end 	end end