
Stranded II Enhanced Lite Titanium
6 replies

EDIT: Just Download the whole thing into its OWN folder. Then keep it that way and no copy/paste. Download and play just like you would download and play the original stranded 2.

the original has a StrandedII.exe and a stranded2 setup not to mention a batch file. this doesn't. so how do i start it?
okay, went back to zip and reloaded it. seems to work. musta screwed up the original extract.
edited 1×, last 01.09.19 07:50:56 pm

You telling people to not make trash threads is quite ironic since all you do is create fights on the forum. @

Its less about me starting fights, more about me wanting these kids to stop making pointless topics.
Go beg the mods to help you instead of doing this.