White faces per imageBuhaloStrikalo User Offline 23.02.20 05:17:52 pm Hi. I'm working on my RPG and ran into a problem. The edges of the image (PNG) in some cases white! How do I fix this? Do not offer BMP. - this is trash I hope for your wisdom. Ps. I tried googling it, but it didn't work. https://imgur.com/siQtf66
Re: White faces per imageDC Admin Offline 23.02.20 06:17:49 pm This is caused by anti aliasing if the transparent pixels are white (which is default in most programs). Depending on which graphic editing program you use there are ways to also color the transparent pixels to prevent this issue.
Re: White faces per imageBuhaloStrikalo User Offline 23.02.20 06:39:40 pm I use Photoshop 2018. What program do you recommend?
Re: White faces per imageDC Admin Offline 23.02.20 06:58:22 pm You don't have to change the program. Photoshop is fine Details about what's happening http://www.adriancourreges.com/blog/2017/05/09/beware-of-transparent-pixels/ They mention a plugin there which helps you to get rid of the problem easily when using Photoshop. You can download it for free. If you search for that particular problem you'll probably find some other solutions as well.
Re: White faces per imageMora User Playing 25.02.20 07:07:59 am For example in the paint.net you can see the background colour, if is it white(as in this case) then you gotta see that white crap. But if you fill the layer with the black one it would be okay: