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English New Forum by: Cyron

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old Re: New Forum by: Cyron

User On Online

so now, in the english forum the same thing started as in the german. All people want to have a board. You can only get it if you have luck, many things to show and so on. It's hard, but most of the people who open a board will close it sometimes later because nobody uses it

old Re: New Forum by: Cyron

User Off Offline

Dutch is for german people easy to understand.
And its very funny because there is no second phonetic shift. (In german: 2. Lautverschiebung)
But what will be the topic in the Forum?

old Re: New Forum by: Cyron

User Off Offline

i just you guys want 2 now that i'v make my own forum and that it will be nice i'v you register there ( my english is very bad becouse i'm just a kid you know...)
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