The latest development really got me interested:
So let's talk shall we! July 26, 2008
There is a lot of new stuff:
- CTF Maps: Yeah! Insane but true! CS2D now supports the capture the flag game mode!
- Env_Object Entity: Additional objects for maps. It currently contains only animated palms and trees.
- Gas Grenade: Releases toxic gas which injures everyone who is close to it (you can't buy it!).
- Molotov Cocktail: Same thing like the gas grenade but with fire instead of gas (you can't buy it!).
Furthermore I added a screenshot function and auto scoreboard screenshots. CS2D can save screenshots as jpg or png and you can select the quality and compression level you want to use for your screens!
There is a lot of new stuff:
- CTF Maps: Yeah! Insane but true! CS2D now supports the capture the flag game mode!
- Env_Object Entity: Additional objects for maps. It currently contains only animated palms and trees.
- Gas Grenade: Releases toxic gas which injures everyone who is close to it (you can't buy it!).
- Molotov Cocktail: Same thing like the gas grenade but with fire instead of gas (you can't buy it!).
Furthermore I added a screenshot function and auto scoreboard screenshots. CS2D can save screenshots as jpg or png and you can select the quality and compression level you want to use for your screens!

First off, that CTF thing sounds awesome. Secondly the env_object entity will it be able to read (.gif) files or is it using something else to make itself animate? if it will, that will be amazing!
Oh... gas grenade and molotov cocktail, that sounds nice.

The screenshots type thing is good too, so it's not only (.bmp) files anymore. Great success!

I'd like to hear some other opinions or thoughts about this, otherwise simply give a comment.