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English Review on Max's special weapons

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Poll Poll

Your Favorite Special Weapon of Max?

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RPG Launcher
61.54% (8)
7.69% (1)
Gas Grenade
7.69% (1)
Molotov Cocktail
23.08% (3)
13 votes cast

old Poll Review on Max's special weapons


Before I start out, I'd like to point out what I mean with
''special weapons''. It's basically a weapon that cannot be bought and can only be obtained by picking it up on the ground, thus not all maps have these special weapons available, a laser is an example. I will review and give my personal opinions about every new special weapon in Max.     

RPG Launcher
This weapon counts as a primary weapon.
This beast has a maximum of 3 rounds in it's belly.
You will have to shoot 1 round and then reload to shoot another one, with a maximum of 3 rounds. On impact it will explode and killing whoever it hitted and killing those who surround the exploding area. It takes long to reload which is also pretty obvious because it's one hell of a big beast. Boy how would you be humiliated if you'd get bombed right by one right on your face.

This is the only weapon that counts as a ''third'' weapon which sounds pretty unlikely because that's where your knife is. You can switch from knife to Machete and you can drop the Machete too (knifes not tho). The sound of a Machete sounds pretty scary. For those who don't know what a Machete is, I suggest you search it up on Google (do that with every weapon you do not know what it is). You will die immediatly when you are slashed by one, and it isn't really a nice look.
If you have a Machete in disposal, you can kiss your knife-right-click-slash goodbye because the Machete hits faster and is a 1 HKO weapon, tho you might want to use the knife's normal attack because of it's speed.

Gas Grenade
This is a grenade which when explodes unleashes green gas. If you walk through this green gas you will lose HP (4 HP per ''hit'' of the green gas).
You can use it as a HE grenade and throw it right on the enemy and hope that it will hit him, or you can use it more tactically and throw it somewhere where you do NOT want your enemy to go through (as example a tunnel). This way he will be discouraged to go to there because if he does he will lose some HP by going through the gas. If fog of war is on, then you can use it like a flare and throw it somewhere you also do not want your enemy to go. Then go somewhere close to that and when you hear an enemy being hit (sounds like a man being hurt) then you know that an enemy has passed the gas so you can then prepare an ambush on him, and because it's fog of war he will not know how and from where you will attack him. A Gas Grenade can be used in alot of ways which makes it open for alot of tactics.

Molotov Cocktail
This is basically the same as the Gas Grenade exept that the Molotov Cocktail looks cooler and sounds better. Instead of gas it uses fire that won't cool down for a while. The same tactics can be used with this weapon just like the Gas Grenade. Personally I like the Molotov Cocktail more simply because I find it cooler.

So what is your favorite new special weapon of Max?
Which one do you like/dislike the most? Do you have anything else to share about these weapons, whether it be tactics or tips, everything is welcome!

old Re: Review on Max's special weapons

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there's another little difference between gas grenade and molotov cocktail: the molotov cocktail explodes as soon as it hits the ground which means that you can cause more damage with it when you throw it directly at your enemies. you can't do this "direct hit damage" with the gas grenade.

my own fav. weapon is the rpg launcher. anyway laser matches are more fun than rpg machtes imho.
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