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English Creating a server . . .

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old Creating a server . . .


In the Counter Strike beta i wasn't able to create servers.

But in the new version of cs2d (max) i was able to create servers up until now.
Earlier today i was making servers fine,
now my server isn't showing on the list.

Help would be appreciated.

PS~ If you don't know the answer or your not sure, don't post it. I'm tired of all the spammers on the forum.

old Re: Creating a server . . .

User Off Offline

perhaps your ping is too bad now? did you install a firewall or start a firewall after earlier today?

old Re: Creating a server . . .

Admin Off Offline

this problem is not (and was never) caused by cs2d itself but by your internet environment. at least I'm pretty sure about this.

problems can be:
• other programs using the internet
• firewalls (+ windows firewall!)
• routers or other internet related hardware
• your internet service provider
• up-/downloads

furthermore it's very problematic if you share your connection with others. you have to check all things above on every pc which uses the same connection.

old Re: Creating a server . . .

Moderator Off Offline

here is my soultion.
if your using a wireless router plug your modem directly into your pc thats the way i create servers

old Re: Creating a server . . .

Moderator Off Offline

try actually forwarding the ports to the correct lan addresses. Do not use any ip without the 192.168.x.x header.

old Re: Creating a server . . .

User Off Offline

Do you have a wlan/lan modem?
Then look up in your user manual how to get in in the config menu.
It must be sth. like an 192.168.x.x adress that you type in in your browser adress and the menu will start.
There somewhere you can open ports u must open udp 36963 and port 80 tcp. 
edited 1×, last 04.08.08 10:00:10 am
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